Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The first time

Pokemon is a series that has some great first moments. Your first badge! The first time you woke up at the poke center after battling too hard! The first time you realized silver was only half over after the elite four!!!!!!!

Do you remember the first time your started evolved into his final form?

The first time you saw snow in diamond and pearl?

The first time you saw your reflection in sapphire and ruby?

I can't wait till X and Y and a new batch of firsts! See you in the gym ladies and gentlemen!


  1. All this talk of of "first times" is making me blush... haha just kidding.
    Of course I remember when Wartortle evolved into Blastoise, I had butterflies, and didn't sleep, then played sick to get out of school the next day. Those were the days. The snow still gets me excited, and I spent a good minute on studying my reflection( I know a little narcissitic but who can blame me?).

  2. Blastoise is still number one


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