Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tom Ato, Twitter & Youtube is now free from reviews and productive. Like I said I did not want to have my name or john doe, and google was not to fond of Poke'Mon Masters. So instead I used the name Tom Ato. If you remember that is the name Ash gives to the Yaz gym in season 1. He did not want to be known by either the Yaz or the Kaz gym for fear of ruining his reputation. The episode is called "Showdown at Dark City".

The Twitter is Tom Ato @SSPCO and the Youtube Channel is linked above next to the Gallery and the new Disclaimer. I will start adding the videos we have been posted as the week goes on. There will eventually be a "Follow Us on Twitter" button for the site.

 I will invite the account to only this blog. Check out the Google Plus Profile when you get a chance. By the way all of you are in the Google Circle Scuba Squad Pokemon Club.

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