That was so much fun having all #5 of us gathered at one point or another from Friday night #11/11/13 to Tuesday afternoon #11/15/2013 at my apartment. There are still 3 of us together at Joe's apartment. The new (light) #MMORPG mechanics will make #S.S.P.C. a more active group guaranteed.
Steve (nWo) kept up on a very popular #livestream of the game on Youtube, staying neck & neck with the player streaming for some time. Joe (Shield) hooked me up with a copy of #Y and he gave everyone including my daughter a colored #stylist each color a #type color. Steve hooked us up with the original #Mew cards from the movie release back in the day.
Mike (Akira) & I have done some trades to add to the Dex. Figured out the chat, #lol. He got a Japanese Mew for shiny breeding through #Wonder Trade (I think). Samantha got the final starter between the #5 of us a #Bulbasaur. The #breeding will commence within 48 hours.
Shujoe also have JAPANESE ditto for breeding.