Tuesday, November 19, 2013

#SSPCOUpdates #Pokemon

#SSPCOUpdates #Pokemon

The logo finally looks good, and might be used across the board (twitter, Facebook, Google plus etc.). I am having issues with the Google Plus page, but other than that all is well. The scrolling Poke'Balls over the blogger header have been removed for various reasons (looks & page load speed) until further notice. A new RSS feed was added to SSPCO Projekt!

The HTML for the blog needs trimmed up and cache for the images extended. The Poke'Net is in some serious need of updating and will be attended to soon. Shield & I are working on a new page/feature for the blog, it should be up by December. Speaking of December we have plans that involves all of our readers and followers, but that is all I will disclose for now. Anyways.....

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