SSPCO Projekt

Projekt SSPCO is simple, Poke'Mon RSS feeds through Twitter. The goal is to bring you as many Poke'Mon RSS feeds as possible using an automated system and since Poke'Mon is loved worldwide @RSSPokeMon tweets feeds from many different languages and countries.

The automated system searches all of our feeds for updates every half hour, it then tweets links to any new posts from every Poke'Mon RSS feed we have in the system. With this in mind we here at the Scuba Squad Pokemon Club have no responsibility to what may be posted on a blog or forum. We try to monitor any spam or worse found in our tweets. If we find or are notified of a feed that is a repeat offender it is suspended from system and possibly banned from the account.

If you have or know of an active blog or forum with an RSS feed, or if you have found a link to spam (even if the RSS source deleted the post) send an email to

1 comment:

keep it clean

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