Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Poke'Hammer

The Poke'Mon Company has shut down the Pokedextra app due to copyright infringement. If you have Pokedextra does it still work? All well, they act like it will take away serious money to the franchise, it made me want to play MORE, and visit the official Poke'Mon website MORE, but what do the fans know? You can find ALL the information that was on the app through websites that are not owned and operated by any affiliates of The Poke'Mon Company. I don't know how much general anime news you are all familiar with, but lately Japan has been rather touchy with international copyright laws dealing with anime/manga/and games. They claim that there are more anime fans than ever before, and less money in the business than ever before. Why? Illegal Piracy, much of it stemming from North America. So we can be sure to see more fan made creations being destroyed in the world of Poke'Entertainment.  I have decided to make a list of links (or something) and call it Trainer Tips. It figures they would start hunting down fan made creations, especially if they come with a paid version, and the Poke'Mon Company doesn't see any currency for the use of it. Do they really think it was hurting business? I mean they are a multi-billion dollar franchize and they can't lose out on a few thousand? Especially when it helped promote Poke'Mon in general, and it was being used heavily since the trailer for X&Y hit stateside. That should have been an indicator that everything was going good for business. I mean wow they re-realeased how many games? It's whatever. It just gives die-hard fans like us more to do. I think most of the information will be from Poke'Mon Database (linked on the right) and make a page with easy to navigate labled links. They will contain all the information a Poke'Dex would. Hopefully someone just had a bad month up in the office's of The Poke'Mon Company and they leave the fans ALONE. They are jealous that a "civillian" created such a wonderful Poke'APP before they could......

1 comment:

  1. I agree with bill all day, especially when they waited till just recently to release an offical pokedex app. Unofficial and frankly better versions were out in 2008 or earlier so I'm guessing they just don't want to miss one leak that could turn into a flood of even more piracy. Fake pokemon merchandise, there's probably more of it than most franchise get real merchandise. So they must be butt hurt over all these years. But at the end of the day, the app was a free promotion and made conversations about pokemon happen more so than before. Free hype for x and y and they say no! Bitches' .. Oh well, I guess I will have to order my tiger electronic pokedex sooner than later.


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