Tuesday, February 19, 2013

S.S.P.C. News

The Trainer Tips page is kinda being worked on through twitter. I have been tweeting a daily link for a Poke'Mon trainer. These go hand in hand with the links I was thinking of putting on the Trainer Tips page. Things like breeding mechanics and EV training. I also have 10+ links for the Poke'Mon Links list. I did not forget about the Youtube Channel, it will be at least half way done before March. I also want your opinions on affiliating with other sites, for example The Pika Club. If we do affiliate with other websites the list of affiliates would be on its own page. I am tossing around the idea of making a page for a list of Japanese Poke'Mon websites, that is much later... maybe in March.  I have a few more RSS feeds to add to the site, all from the 10+ links to add. I am browsing around other websites "disclaimers" and will have ours perfected soon. Between real life Poke'Life and this blog with all it connects to I have been one busy cat!

I know Joe has probably thought about it... Scuba Squad Poke'Mon Club t-shirts! Sometime this year they will be made. If Samantha and I get enough on tax returns, they will be sooner than later. Though there is copyright and trademark cautions we should be able to have a logo (that we design) and the blog address (on the back, probably). Hopefully we can have the name witten on the shirts, if not Poke'Mon can be PKMN or just use S.S.P.C.   I am thinking black shirt/ white lettering... matches the blog.

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