Since one of us does not have Soul Silver, two of us have a kid, four of us have a job, and only two of us live in the same neighborhood (I think), Tournaments are ticky to say the least. If we were all to be "fair" we would wait until Samantha got HG or SS then wait to have any tournaments until all of us got together until we had any tournaments. That is a little ridiculous (im my opinion). On top of that we where all raised KNOWING Poke'Mon is not a "fair" game. Just look at Ash and how he got his first League badges, all of them were practically handed to him, while we worked our assess off grinding levels in Red, Blue, and Yellow. Japan gets games and episodes months (sometimes a year(s)) in advance, plus whatever other cool Poke'Stuff that is NEVER released to the U.S.
So we have a problem, and I think there is a simple enough solution. Have Tournamennts whenever possible, even if it is just 2/5. But only have the No Restrictions Title Belt Tournament when there is at least 4/5 participating. Then when there is a winner of any Cups or Belt post who was participating in the same post for recording the Cup or Belt Holder.
Then that creates another issue, example: I win the Fancy Cup the first week with only 3/5 participating, and Samantha wins the Small Cup. The next week I can't make it, but there is 4/5 there this time. Everyone wants to do the Belt Tornament and a Cup or two. Since there is 4/5 there the Belt is a go. But since I am not there to defend the Fancy Cup any other Cup is fair game, even Samantha's Small Cup because she is there. I figure this strategy would work for the Belt Tournament a well, since 4/5 would need to be there anyway. Chances are 1/5 (20%) that the Belt Holder won't be there. Leaving 80% of the time (on average) when 4/5 can make it we can hold a tournament. I imagine the Cups would never really be an issue, there are plenty of them. The chances of 2/5 meeting up to play and not having anyone there with a Cup to defend or an open Cup are going to be
much slimmer.
SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK ??? Did I miss anything, got anything to add, or are one of my ideas disagreeable? Leave a comment or two.
P.S. Since Samantha and I live together it would be a bit silly to have any Cup matches at home alone. In theory we could have 50 matches during the week to the 5 on the weekends. That doesn't mean Samantha and I won't have "private" battles with or without restrictions. It just means they won't be posted with the Scuba Squad's Cups & Belt recordings.
I think u guys can battle whenever u want jus record them it's a good way to see who should get a title shot by the w/l record on trainer card
ReplyDeleteGood thinking? Totally forgot about the trainer card.