Monday, October 21, 2013

Poke Amie Perks

So you thought it was only good for being a cute side-game and making it easier to evolve Pokemon who need to really like you? WRONG!

In-game getting 5 hearts and having a deep connection with your Pokemon can do a whole lot more! It changes the in-battle text to show your bond with it, it looks back at you at the beginning of battle or when you say something encouraging, it has a pretty decent chance also of: evading an attack, surviving a hard hit, or landing a critical hit. OTHERS: Can pat a pokemon in battle if it defeats another Pokemon, 20% boosted EXP, can recover from status effects!!!

For the first time... bonding with your Pokémon shows powerful results... and shows how loving your Pokémon and having that bond with it help both the Trainer and Pokemon fight harder to become the very best. One of the reasons Pokemon has inspired us all.

This is as close as you can get... besides when you were a kid running around the backyard with a Pokédex and letting your imagination run wild.

The only thing that broke my heart is the fact that this is an in-game only feature... and does not apply when battling online with other people. Although I see why, to me that would have just made the experience all the more incredible. Imagine competing against others who didn't bother to bond and pulling through in the end against other people around the world because of your love for that Pokémon. For me.. That makes Pokémon seem so much more real. Maybe some day they will also apply it to online battling... who knows?


1 comment:

  1. Holy Crap! That is #awesome, I had no #clue it had that much #depth to it. Very informative post.


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