Wednesday, November 13, 2013


 You may be wondering what Poke'Services we can offer to the general Poke'Public. First of all is entertainment. As well as art, memes, humor, news and more. Remember if you are on a mobile device, the web/desktop version of our blog and forum have/will have many features the mobile version of our site does not.

 We also have our #DailyUsefulLinksForAPokemonTrainer now labeled #DULPT. #DULPT has links to in-depth breeding, competitive team building, egg types, egg moves and so much more.There was issues with labeling and an inconsistency with labeling when it first started, but they can now be found by searching #DULPT in our blogs search bar, and found under the "this blog" tab.

 We have a Pokemon Link List, and the Poke'Net (due for major expansion soon) 

Projekt SSPCO is a bot twitter account that tweets Poke'RSS feeds from over 25 other blogs and counting.

 A Facebook page and direct SSPCO twitter account that is synced from this blogs RSS feed. A forum where non-members can post and even advertise their own NON-ADULT Poke'Mon blog, Facebook page and forum for free, with very little concern for being flagged as spam. 

Literally all of the above, is expanding at a rapid rate. With no signs of slowing and even more Poke'Services already in the "workshop", all of us here at the SSPC want to give back to the online Poke'Community.  

Thanks to all the original readers, you know who you are, and a thanks to all future readers for taking the time to visit our little corner of of the interwebz.

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